LGL Training webinars

LGL Training Webinar

Using LGL to generate simple annual statements for your donors

In this training session, you'll learn how to use LGL's Annual Statements feature to quickly generate simple annual statements for your donors.

Also known as year-end tax statements, annual statements are typically sent in January. They provide your donors with a single document that includes all the information they, or their tax preparer, will need for filing taxes related to tax deductible gifts made to your organization.

The same training session will be offered three times throughout January, and will consist of a live demonstration in Little Green Light along with a Q&A period, facilitated by an LGL expert.

Webinar dates:

Wednesday, January 8 at 2-3 pm ET
Wednesday, January 15 at 2-3 pm ET
Wednesday, January 22 at 2-3 pm ET

Register for your preferred session below:

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