Connect your other tools to Little Green Light.
Software integrations to sync data automatically
To set up an integration with any of the services listed below, you will first need accounts with those services. While Little Green Light does not charge to integrate with these other services, these third parties may require a paid account.
Smarty access is included with your Little Green Light subscription, and is free to use.
Make it easier for your donors to get their employer to submit matching gifts.
Free for 3 forms, 100 entries per month. 50% discount for nonprofits.
Write data to your LGL account through a custom integration using webhooks.
I've used Little Green Light in various organizations happily—but the latest, as a one-person office having to run a campaign—the integration of Little Green Light/Mail Chimp/Wufoo was not only a lifesaver, but it made an impossible job doable…
Little Green Light has partnered with Stripe and PayPal to offer safe, secure payment processing. Nonprofit payment processing rates start at 2.2% + 30c per transaction. There are no additional fees for payment processing charged by LGL.
Interested in building an integration with Little Green Light? See our API page for details.
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