Accelerate your online fundraising with LGL Forms

We love the LGL Forms for our online donations and the ease with which it automatically integrates the gift information.
Every Child Fed
Easily create custom online donation forms in minutes
To accept donations right from your website

Among the many features included in Little Green Light is our easy-to-use online donation form builder, LGL Forms. With LGL Forms, you can build and customize unlimited donations forms that can be integrated with Stripe and/or PayPal.

Our integrations with these leaders in payment processing allows you to safely and securely accept one-time or recurring donations on your website. Once the data is collected, it can be seamlessly synced to your Little Green Light donor database, saving you loads of time.

online donations form

Build your first online form today!

Set up a FREE Little Green Light account to get started.

All accounts get their first 30 days free!

Our fundraising is improving as a result of increased engagement of everyone on our team using what is our most important tool.
Michael Rabkin, Hillel of San Diego


How much are Little Green Light donation processing costs?

There is no added cost to build and publish forms using LGL Forms, but there are transaction fees for payments and/or donations made via a form. Fees for donation processing are charged by your selected payment processor (Stripe or PayPal.) The costs and type of credit card accepted vary by processor (Stripe charges 2.2% +$0.30 per transaction for approved nonprofits). Full pricing can be found in our Online Donations Guide.

Are nonprofit rates available for online donation processing?

Yes, but in order to qualify for nonprofit rates , you'll need to send a copy of your nonprofit (501c3 or 501c4) designation letter along with some basic account information to your selected payment processor. More information can be found in our Knowledge Base.

My nonprofit is based outside the U.S.
Can I use LGL Forms for donation processing?

Yes. If you are a nonprofit based in Canada, the UK, Australia or a dozen other countries outside the U.S., then you can use LGL Forms with either Stripe or PayPal for payment processing. You can see the full list of supported countries in our Knowledge Base article. If you are based in a country not included in our list, contact support to see if we can add your country.

Do I need to have a Little Green Light account to create online donation forms?

Yes, our LGL Forms feature is only available with a Little Green Light account. You can try out our online donation form builder once you set up an account. All Little Green Light accounts come with their first 30 days for free.

Is it possible to migrate existing recurring donations into Little Green Light?

If you want to migrate existing recurring donations and have Little Green Light (or LGL Forms specifically) manage those instead, that is possible as long as your recurring donations are already being run through a Stripe account. If they are not currently run through Stripe, it may also be possible for you to work with your current processor and Stripe to move them into Stripe first. See this Knowledge Base article for details.

Can I publish the forms on my website?

Yes. Once you have built and published your form, you can link to it from your website or add a snippet of HTML code on your website to embed it. (Note that websites do not accept embedded forms at this time - sites will work just fine, however.)

Can I use another payment processor besides Stripe or PayPal?

No. The only payment processors currently integrated with our online donations forms are Stripe and PayPal.

Ready to try LGL? Get your first 30 days free. No credit card required.