Little Green Light is a cloud-based donor management system for fundraisers.
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I recently donated to the International Rescue Committee, and today I received an envelope with the phrase on the outside that said: “Donor Preferences Survey Enclosed.” What a great way to follow up with a new donor.
What got me to open the letter was the “Donor Preferences Survey” note on the outside of the envelope. I really appreciate this opportunity for me to tell the IRC how I want to be contacted.
The survey is short and quick:
– would you like to hear news from us via email? If so, at what email address.
– may we contact you by phone about our work?
– what aspects of our mission inspired you to contribute (pick from list)
– please note any changes to your contact information
This is great information for any nonprofit organization to obtain. Maybe even better for you and the donor, use LGL Forms to post such a survey on your website, and have the information flow directly into your Little Green Light account.
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