Little Green Light is a cloud-based donor management system for fundraisers.
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This August 2024 release notes edition shares the latest updates and fixes LGL developers have made to improve and enhance functionality within Little Green Light and LGL Forms.
Click any item in the table of contents below to link to further details about it.
Highlighted feature updates
Additional updates
API updates
LGL Forms updates
Current Donors by Gift Tier
This new widget displays a pie chart of the percentages of donors by gift tier (using account custom gift tiers, if present). There is also an option to toggle to a table showing donor percentages and counts by gift tier.
Donor Attrition by Gift Tier
This new dashboard widget shows donor attrition by their last giving tier. This information is represented by a stacked column chart that toggles to a table view.
Donors by Retention Status
This new dashboard widget illustrates the number of donors who gave in the years shown as a bar chart. The information is also presented in a table.
Annual Retention Rate
This new dashboard widget displays the count of donors in bars (left axis) and the retention percentage in line (right axis). The table displays the count of total donors, retained donors, and lapsed donors.
Donor Giving Compared to Prior Year
This new dashboard widget illustrates the change in giving for donors by year when compared to their giving in the previous year. The widget will default to counts but can toggle to percentages. You can click on a section of the chart to be taken to a search page that will return the result. There is also a new pre-calculated field that you can search on, named “Year over year giving”, which allows a comparison between one selected year and the year previous to the selected year. You will be able to select the year to be compared and the comparison type.
Consecutive Years of Giving
We have added a pie chart to the Consecutive Years of Giving widget. The pie chart displays the percentage of current-year donors who have given 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+ years.
Change Donor Summary by Year
We have renamed the “Donor Summary by Year” widget to “Total Raised by Retention Status” to clarify the information being displayed. The category “Consecutive year donors” in the widget was renamed to “Retained donors” to be in alignment with new widgets displaying similar information.
Stewardship Opportunities
We have updated the text in the Stewardship Opportunities widget to clarify that it includes the Top Donors, and not necessarily the Top “100” donors (since that count can be adjusted via settings). We have also excluded constituents coded as “deceased” from this widget.
Refresh link now added to the dashboard Alerts widget
We have added a “Refresh button” and “Last updated date/time” to the Alerts widget on the dashboard so users can be sure they are referencing the most current data.
Existing widgets now open in new tabs when links are clicked
We have updated the following widgets to open in a new tab instead of the current tab when links are clicked:
We have added an asterisk next to search criteria fields that are fundraising-related and pre-calculated, such as “First gift date” and “Consecutive years of giving”. When one of these fields is used in a search, a help icon appears next to the field and a description of the calculation that the field makes is provided in the help text.
We have added the ability to merge school types. This can be used by organizations that have inadvertently created duplicate school types.
We have added “created_at” and “updated_at” in the data we return for gifts via the API. The results are also sorted so the latest record processed is on top.
We have added the ability to search for relationship types and update/post relationships for constituents via the API.
We have exposed “Class Affiliations” in the API.
In LGL Forms, we have added a “Copy” button in the Publish tab for the Javascript and iframe code.
In LGL Forms, ACH transactions now receive an email confirmation when the form is submitted, rather than needing to wait until the ACH transfer completes.
In LGL Forms, when the 3% increase is selected, we have added functionality that increases the deductible amount to the original deductible amount plus the 3% increase. This is relevant for cases where the deductible amount is pre-defined in the form.
In the payment summary for a form, we have added the ability to see $0 items.
Previously, the updated timestamp in the Alerts widget was not displaying the last updated date/time. This has been fixed.
When editing relationships and putting in a new value for a new relationship type, clicking “Save” did not appear to save the new relationship type. This has been fixed.
Following the creation of a gift and acknowledgment letter, if the constituent in the gift was changed a new acknowledgment letter would be created, resulting in two letters for the same gift. This has been corrected; the original acknowledgment letter is now updated with the new constituent information.
Contact information fields were displayed in a different order when editing than when viewing. We have reconfigured the order of the fields so they are consistent for both views.
Sorting of completed tasks by due date was also considering the completion date, making the sort results appear out of order. Sorting tasks by due date now only looks at the due date value.
When using the long form to add new constituents, there was an issue with adding a gift for the new constituent where the user was prompted to continue adding gifts and could not use the Cancel button. This has been fixed.
Gifts with receipt numbers were sometimes duplicated in the display. These gifts were not actually duplicated, and the display has now been fixed so no duplicates are displayed.
When all gifts related to a tribute notification were deleted, the notification was not also deleted. This has now been fixed.
The bulk constituent update was previously not detecting which fields were selected. This has been fixed.
A change in the interface caused the line between constituents to disappear. This has been fixed.
The calendar pop-up was not displaying the month for those using the Chrome browser. This has been fixed.
For users who are still using the legacy tribute acknowledgment method, acknowledgments were not being created for related constituents. This has been fixed.
In LGL Forms, we have fixed an issue that allowed the entry of a year only when a date is required.
In LGL Forms, when a reservation for a $0 inventory item was not obtained and the submission was cancelled, the submission was still being sent to LGL. This has been fixed.
In LGL Forms, when the payment processor for a form had been changed, any recurring payments that used the original payment processor assigned to the form could not be updated. This has been fixed.
In LGL Forms, when an Amount field description contained the word “true” or “false”, this caused issues in the code that resulted in the form not appearing as expected. This has been fixed.
Some users experienced time zone fluctuations when refreshing their Forms page in LGL Forms. This has been fixed.
When using ACH transfers in forms, pending transfers were not counted toward inventory limits on the forms. We’ve updated LGL Forms so that now pending ACH transactions will decrement the inventory on items where an inventory count has been set up.
Some users saw a percentage sign displayed when setting a recurring end date in a form, which prevented them from submitting the form. This has been fixed.
In LGL Forms, if a published form was changed from payment to non-payment or non-payment to payment, the “Submit” button text did not always update to reflect the correct form type.
In LGL Forms, when resubmitting a failed payment where the original amount in the payment schedule has been updated, the deposit amount was sometimes recorded incorrectly. This has been fixed.
In LGL Forms, some users were having an issue where the error message from reCaptcha was not completely visible depending on the form height. We have added additional space so the error message will display correctly.
We have added a validation check to the zip code field in forms. The field will now only accept alphanumeric characters, spaces, and hyphens, preventing invalid data from interfering with the data sync.
In LGL Forms, we have added the ability to use an “or” option in the display rules. Users can now set multiple rules and the field will be displayed if any of the rules are true.
Some users experienced issues in LGL Forms where fields that should have been hidden after an inventory limit was reached were still being displayed. This has now been fixed so that Amount fields with inventory limits will never display after they reach their limit, if that’s what has been set up.
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