Little Green Light is a cloud-based donor management system for fundraisers.
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This March 2023 release notes edition shares the latest fixes LGL developers have made over the past few months to improve functionality within Little Green Light and LGL Forms.
Click any item in the list below to read more details about each fix.
Apostrophes displaying incorrectly within Relationship fields
Apostrophes previously displayed as “'” when appearing in the names of constituents within the “Related constituents” section of the constituent record. This has now been fixed.
Contact info incorrectly being copied over to merged duplicate constituents
Merging duplicate constituents previously brought over the merged record’s contact info data, even if those options were not selected. This has now been corrected.
Constant Contact Status and Lists appeared editable during constituent merge
Constant Contact Status and Constant Contact Lists appeared to be editable during the constituent merge process, though this was not actually possible to do. This has been fixed.
Gift date in LGL previously set to a day later than the received date
In some time zones, the gift submission date was different from the receipt date. This has been corrected.
Goal report sort and alphabetization functions previously not working
When the user tried to sort goal reports previously, gift data was being pulled in rather than goal data. The alphabetization function was also not working. Both of these issues have now been fixed.
The “Print envelope” function on the constituent details page was not working consistently
The “Print envelope” function available from the constituent details page previously generated an error when no Word envelope template was available. This has now been fixed.
Forms: Character limit in email address fields was too high, making user error more likely
Previously, user error when entering data into an email address field in a form could prevent the email address data from being correctly captured. We added a character limit of 100 characters on the email address field to prevent this.
Forms: The credit card expiration date for recurring gifts was incorrectly set to the first day of the expiration month
The credit card expiration date was previously set to the first day of the expiration month rather than the last day of the expiration month, which is standard. This has now been updated.
Forms: reCaptcha V3 not performing as desired
Because reCaptcha V3 does not provide an interactive challenge to the user and should only be used under specific circumstances, we have added “(recommended)” next to the reCaptcha V2 option, which does offer an interactive challenge to the user.
Forms: reCaptcha error previously pushed Submit button off the page
Under specific settings, the reCaptcha error message was pushing the Submit button off the page so it was not accessible. This has now been fixed.
Forms: The Amount field’s default selection stayed assigned when the Amount field type was switched from suggested to custom
Changing the Amount field from suggested amount to custom amount did not clear the default amount, if it had been previously selected in edit mode. This has now been fixed.
Forms: Deductible amount previously defaulted to $0.00
Previously, if no deductible amount was defined, the amount would come through as zero if the “Deductible Amount” field was mapped. This has been fixed so that the full amount of the line item will be included in the “Deductible Amount” field within the submission record.
Forms: ProPay security updates
Updates have been made to ProPay security so that payments using ProPay will now block submissions for any new payment when there is a zip code or CVV mismatch in the credit card information.
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