Little Green Light is a cloud-based donor management system for fundraisers.
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The weeks leading up to a community giving day are a blur of social media posts and e-blasts. In order to maximize the benefits of those efforts, it’s crucial that you also have a plan in place for afterward. Otherwise, those donors who supported you on the one day may not support you in the long term.
If your giving day is hosted by a community foundation or another sponsoring organization, donations are likely made through a third-party platform. Make sure you export that data promptly. Then, make it priority to enter it in your donor database. If you’re using Little Green Light, you can use our Flex Importer to import that spreadsheet of data.
Your donors most likely received an emailed tax receipt when they made their contribution. But it’s worth it to go beyond that generic notification. Craft a thank you communication that shares results of the day and how those funds will be used. Some new donors who discovered your organization through community giving day promotions may be eager to learn more. Include contact information for a point person at your organization so they can easily get in touch.
In the next two or three months, send another communication to report to your donors on what your organization has accomplished so far with the funds raised during the giving day.
Once you’ve completed the first three tasks, include your giving day donors in your regular mailings and email communications, and yes, your future appeals. Most donors won’t give unless they’re asked, so remember to ask.
By planning beyond the community giving day itself, you can ensure that it results in long-term benefits for your organization. For more information on how to retain donors after a giving day, check out our free ebook on the topic.
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