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Everything you need to know about corporate matching gifts

Updated July 30, 2024 by Guest Author

corporate matching gift tips

What you need to know about corporate matching gifts 

In this guest post, Adam Weinger, President of Double the Donation, provides a comprehensive overview of matching gifts and how your nonprofit organization can reap the rewards.

Your donors are what keep your organization running. Without their generous contributions, your nonprofit would struggle to complete its projects, support its communities, and accomplish its mission. But what if you could receive twice as many gifts without pouring twice as many funds into donor acquisition? It’s not as far-fetched as it might sound.

With the help of corporate matching gifts, your nonprofit can start doubling (or even tripling) the donations of your existing supporters. And Little Green Light and Double the Donation are here to help!

In this complete overview, we’ll answer the following questions:

  1. What are matching gifts?
  2. How do you know if your nonprofit is matching-gift eligible?
  3. How much will companies match?
  4. How can nonprofits promote matching gifts to their donors?

Let’s begin!

1. What are matching gifts?

A matching gift is a contribution a company makes when an employee donates to a nonprofit. These programs are a type of corporate philanthropy, and we like to think of it as the “Buy One, Get One Free” promotion of the fundraising world.

Though it can vary, here’s how the matching gift process typically works:

  1. Your nonprofit solicits a donation.
  2. A donor makes a gift.
  3. The donor submits a matching gift request to their employer.
  4. The employer reviews the request to see if the donation and the nonprofit meet the requirements.
  5. If all criteria are met, the company matches the donation with its own gift to the organization.

See how matching gifts are like a BOGO sale? You get two donations for the cost of acquiring one!

2. How do you know if your nonprofit is matching gift eligible?

Unfortunately, matching gift eligibility isn’t a one-size-fits-all standard. Each participating company has the ability to set its own rules and requirements with regard to the types of nonprofits it will donate to and the types of gifts it’ll match.

In general, companies match donations to some combination of the following organization types:

  • Private and public K-12 schools
  • Colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions
  • Environmental nonprofits
  • Arts and cultural institutions
  • Civic and community organizations
  • Health and human services nonprofits
  • And more

While each company establishes its own qualifications, the most common exceptions concern donations to exclusively political or religious organizations.

3. How much will companies match?

Again, the answer varies from one matching gift company to the next⁠—and it’s largely based on how much your donors are giving in the first place, too. Some businesses give fifty cents on the dollar, while others will contribute up to $4 for each $1 an employee gives! Maximum thresholds can also differ, with some companies matching a few thousand dollars and others doubling donations upwards of $100,000.

Keep in mind that companies also set deadlines for their matching gift programs, often a number of days or months after the donation or at the end of the calendar year.

💡With a little research, you can uncover details on even more top companies that donate to nonprofits. Or, access information on thousands of matching gift programs in seconds with Double the Donation’s corporate giving database tool!


4. How can nonprofits promote matching gifts to their donors?

Though matching gifts offer a mutually beneficial opportunity, few employees know that such programs even exist. As a result, they don’t request their matches⁠—ultimately leaving money on the table.

To avoid this, we’ve compiled a few top tips and expert-proven practices to promote matching gifts…

During the donation process

Individuals are at the height of their engagement while actively giving to your cause. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to encourage them to consider doubling their donations.

matching gift form

Meanwhile, many organizations also promote matching gifts from their confirmation screens after donors submit their initial gifts.

donation confirmation

In your email newsletters

You can dedicate a newsletter to matching gifts by:

  • Explaining the submission process.
  • Informing donors how to locate employer-specific instructions.
  • Sharing the value of matching gift funding with real examples and stories.
  • Providing examples of companies that regularly match donations.

will your gift be matched

On social media

Keep your message short and sweet but provide links to more comprehensive information. Graphic elements such as relevant images and video clips can also drive engagement!

social media donation request

Promote matching gifts on your website

Your website should be a hub of information about your organization, making it easy for supporters to determine how they can get involved. If you want to prominently feature matching gifts on your website, create a dedicated Matching Gifts page! Then, link to this resource from your other matching gift marketing materials.


matching gift marketing materials


Matching gifts can be a prime opportunity for your nonprofit to receive twice as many donations. Hopefully, this overview has given you some insight into the particulars of matching gifts⁠—and how your team can properly promote them to your donors.

For more information, check out these useful resources from our friends at Double the Donation:


About the Author

founder of Double the Donation, Adam WeingerDouble the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift and volunteer grant solutions to nonprofits and educational institutions. Adam Weinger created Double the Donation in order to help nonprofits increase their annual revenue through corporate matching gifts and volunteer grant programs.
Connect with Adam on LinkedIn!

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