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5 tips to spruce up your fundraising materials

When was the last time you reviewed your fundraising materials? It’s a good idea to periodically re-evaluate and update your materials. Here are five key things to focus on. Case statement. Your case statement, or case for support, tells your donors and prospective donors why your organization needs the gift you’re soliciting. A well-crafted case […]

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Budget-friendly ideas to retain nonprofit staff

A few years ago, I arrived bleary-eyed at my desk the morning after a big event hosted by the nonprofit organization I worked for. I was tired out from the months of preparation and from the event itself, but as any fundraiser knows there’s still plenty of follow-up work to be done after an event, […]

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The fundraiser’s guide to a successful appeal season

A few years ago, the United States Postal Service released a holiday commercial that showed a determined little mail truck barreling down snow-covered streets and dirt roads to deliver packages on time. The ad declares, “Football has a season. Baseball has a season. This is our season.” When I saw that ad, I couldn’t help […]

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5 simple ways fundraisers can avoid burnout

Burnout is a common complaint among small shop fundraisers and the idea of being able to avoid it may sometimes seem insurmountable. Nonprofit staff members, especially small shop fundraisers, are often tasked with juggling multiple priorities each day, from writing grant applications to thanking donors and updating the website—even replacing the toner in the printer […]

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Acknowledging memorial gifts: What you need to know

As a fundraiser, your daily or weekly routine likely includes sending acknowledgment letters to donors who made a gift to your organization. You may be so accustomed to this process that you don’t have to think twice before generating an acknowledgment letter and dropping it into the mail. Are you as comfortable with your process […]

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7 tips to improve your email appeals

  Email appeals are an important component of year-end fundraising. With all the clutter in our inboxes, it’s important to craft email appeals that get opened and make it easy for the recipient to donate. Here are 7 quick tips for improving your email appeals: Keep the content concise and use small paragraphs. The content […]

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4 ways to encourage millennials to support your cause

  I worked at a library during graduate school, and one of my tasks was to shelve the periodicals and keep them in order. I couldn’t stop myself from paging through the newspapers and magazines as I (slowly) completed this task. Plenty of articles tried to make sense of a generation that was clad in hoodie […]

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The difference between pledges and recurring gifts

  Many people refer to pledges and recurring gifts interchangeably, but they are actually very different. While both are effective tools to raise revenue for a nonprofit, it’s important to understand the differences so that you can avoid confusion and develop processes to manage each appropriately. We want pledges and recurring gifts to help you raise money for […]

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