Little Green Light is a cloud-based donor management system for fundraisers.
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Are you staring at an empty screen, trying to craft a compelling fundraising appeal letter? We’ve all been there!
Check out our collection of resources to take you from blank page to rough draft to polished appeal letter, complete with remittance envelope and acknowledgment letter, too!
1. To get started, check out our tips to combat writer’s block and use our worksheet to jump start your appeal letter.
2. Once you’ve written a draft and revised it, how do you know when it’s finished? Use our editing tool to see if your letter is ready to print.
3. Now that you’ve written a letter that inspires your constituents to give, make sure your remittance envelope makes it easy for them to do so.
4. Be ready to thank your donors! Write an acknowledgment letter for your appeal donors that continues the story or theme from your appeal letter. Follow our 10 tips to make sure your acknowledgment letter covers the essentials.
If you’re looking for step-by-step guidance to creating an appeal, download our free ebook, 6 steps to a successful appeal.
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What a super helpful blog post! I appreciate both the article on combating writer’s block and the writer’s block worksheet for jumpstarting the process. If nothing else, just knowing other people struggle with this same thing takes a bit of pressure off. Thank you.